Monday, November 9, 2009

A informative article to help you understand a problem that many people have

One of my highest earning articles is one on a sensitive, but very prevalent problem in todays society: loss of interest in sex. The reason that I am bringing this specific article up is to not only point out that you can get higher earning from writing sites by writing using research as opposed to just opinion, but I also want to hopefully help those that might stumble onto this site, and need some advice on the subject. There are so many reasons that people lose interest in sex, one of the more popular reasons now a days is in marriages, or long term relationships, and couples just lose the drive and romance to other responsibilities. Another more legitimate and tricky reason is due to medical problems, a common one is impotence in older men, or when some women go through menopause. There are emotional reasons that can be behind ones low sex drive, such as low self esteem, or trust issues. But there is no reason why a person should ever give up, there are so many solutions to every problem, and even so, having a low sex drive is not the end of the world. So I urge everyone to please read this article and get even more information on the matter

1 comment:

  1. Great article....................very well written, keep up the good work!
